Care I

Looking for Pediatric care in Maryland? Our team is here to support your child's health every step of the way! See our services below.

Acute Care

This is an appointment for sick children.  Appointments can be made for the same day by calling any of our offices.

Although minor illnesses and injuries do not often develop into serious conditions, our doctors and nurse practitioner are available to treat conditions such as:

  • Ear infections and pain
  • Sore throat
  • Colds
  • Pink eye
  • Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Concussions
  • Minor Lacerations
  • Minor Burns
  • Suture Removal
  • Other Concerns

Chronic Illness Care

Our providers are specially trained in treating chronic conditions such as ADHD, asthma, allergies, eczema and acne. We work together with families to educate them on the most current disease information and encourage them to maintain a healthy home lifestyle. We encourage families’ involvement with treatment of chronic illnesses in order to offer support and understanding for the child.

Travel Visits

When traveling, especially abroad, individuals may be exposed to certain viruses, bacteria or parasites that they would not have come into contact with at home. Therefore, it is important to prepare for a trip with a visit to the physician in case any vaccinations need to be administered. We have MOST TRAVEL VACCINES AVAILABLE.

Behavioral Consults

Children with behavior problems often cause concern among parents as they may not be able to handle certain disruptive or inappropriate behaviors. A behavioral consultation allows our doctor to observe your child’s natural activity and interaction, as well as interview the parents, or other involved adults, in order to assess behavior and develop a solution.

Consultations can be performed at any age, but are most common among school-age children. Your doctor will work together with you and your child in order to develop an individualized treatment plan that will be followed through and monitored by subsequent consultations.

Nutrition & Exercise

Proper diet and exercise are essential to maintaining good health. Keeping the body at a healthy weight and following a regimen of physical activity have been proven to improve mood, quality of life and longevity and to go a long way in preventing or controlling many serious illnesses. Obesity, which has now reached epidemic proportions in the United States, and which is an enemy of good health, can be kept at bay through physical fitness and good eating habits.

Good nutrition is also vital for children’s growth, ability to focus in school, and ability to perform optimally in extra-curricular activities. Our providers serves as an in-office resource to help you and your child learn the tools needed to lead a healthy lifestyle. We can help with conditions including:

  • Anemia
  • Obesity/overweight
  • Feeding difficulties
  • Hypercholesterolemia
  • Inappropriate diet habits
  • General nutrition and more!

Development Screening

Developmental screening is a routine monitoring process used to identify any potential developmental delays in children. Early detection is a valuable tool in terms of treating health and development issues. Developmental screenings can identify delays in milestones that can indicate diagnoses of autism, intellectual disability, and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, among others.

Screenings are performed through questions and questionnaires during a well-child checkup to ensure that your child is progressing at a normal rate. This takes only a few minutes at each doctor’s visit, but can play a major role in identifying and then treating early developmental conditions.

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4 Convenient Locations in Maryland

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